Easy RM RMVB to DVD Burner v1.6.23 繁體中文正式版(轉換RM等影片格式到標準的DVD格式,並集結燒錄成 DVD影片軟體)
商品名稱: Easy RM RMVB to DVD Burner v1.6.23
商品分類: 動態影象及影片轉檔器材
商品類型: 轉換RM等影片格式到標準的DVD格式,並集結燒錄成 DVD影片軟體
語系版本: 繁體中文正式版
運行平台: Windows XP/2003/Vista
更新日期: 2009-05-20
熱門標籤: DVD影片軟體
請將光碟內的123資料夾複製到硬碟內,在執行Easy RM RMVB to DVD Burner 1.6.23.exe
它大概幫助你轉換RM等影片格式到標準的DVD格式,並集結燒錄成 DVD影片。它声援市面
上大部门流畅的幾種影片格式,例如 Divx、Xvid、AVI和此外格式,它也大概產生DVD鏡
Key Features of Easy RM RMVB to DVD Burner
# Creates DVD from RM RMVB files and burn to blank DVD disc
# Generate DVD image and save to hard disk
# Burn hard disk DVD image to blank DVD disc
# Super fast conversion speed provided as it full supports Intel Pentium D
Dual-Core Processor and AMD Athlon? 64 X 2 Dual-Core Processor which
ensures full use of your CPU
# Merge up to 3 hours of multiple movies or episodic files to one DVD
# Multithreading and batch conversion are supported and the more files you
convert the faster Easy RM RMVB to DVD Burner works than other DVD creators
# So easy to use that only ONE click is enough to burn a DVD after you loaded
the video files
# Supports device types include DVD-R/ DVD+R/ DVD-RW/ DVD+RW
# Support NTSC and PAL
# Support 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratio
# Add letterbox to keep the original aspect ratio
# All encoders/codec are built-in and any supported conversion can be done
once you downloading the software
# Make excellent output quality
# Neat User Interface,very easy to use,without any complicated parameter
# No ASPI drivers needed
# Lifetime FREE Technical Support and FREE upgrade
OS: Windows 98//ME/NT/2000/2003/XP/VISTA
Easy RM RMVB To DVD Burner v1.3.7 英文正式版(轉換RM等影片格式到DVD的 MPEG-2格式的軟體)
Easy RM RMVB to DVD Burner v1.6.30 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文正式版(轉換RM等影片格式到標準的DVD格式軟體)
Easy RM RMVB to DVD Burner v1.6.22 繁體中文正式版(轉換RM等影片格式到標準的DVD格式軟體)
Easy RM RMVB to DVD Burner v1.6.26 繁體中文正式版(轉換RM等影片格式到標準的DVD格式軟體)
Easy RM RMVB to DVD Burner v1.7.1 繁體中文正式版(轉換RM等影片格式到標準的DVD格式軟體)