
MAXON CINEMA 4D Studio Bundle v11.5 MULTiLANGUAGE 英文正式版(Cinema 4D 動畫版軟體)(DVD版)

商品名稱: MAXON CINEMA 4D Studio Bundle v11.5 MULTiLANGUAGE

商品分類: DVD綜合程式軟體

商品類型: Cinema 4D 動畫版軟體

語系版本: 英文正式版

運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7

更新日期: 2010-05-14

熱門標籤: 動畫版軟體 


2) check PANTHEON dir

3) enjoy another fine PANTHEON-release!


Cinema 4D 的前身是 1九八九 年發表的軟體 FastRay,结尾只發表在 Amiga 上。Amiga 是一種早

期的個人電腦系統,當時還沒有圖形界面。兩年後,在 1九91 年 FastRay 更新到了1.0,可是

,這個軟體當時還並沒有有涉及到3維領域。1九93 年 FastRay 更名為 CINEMA 4D 1.0,依旧

在 Amiga 上發佈。


The eleventh generation of CINEMA 4D is another milestone in the

development of professional 3D software and a testament to two decades of

excellence by MAXON's programming team. Professional 3D animation tools

have never been easier to use.

The Easiest To Use 3D Application

CINEMA 4D's intuitive interface and logical workflow make it possible for

those new to 3D artistry to dive in and be productive quickly. Feedback

is smooth and interactive so you can let your creativity run free.

State-of-the-Art Technology

CINEMA 4D's state-of-the-art architecture means it is always the first to

benefit from new technologies and advancements - 六4-bit support on

Windows and Mac OS or Multiprocessing to name a few. MAXON is a

development partner of many leading IT companies, including Intel and

Apple. As such MAXON has early access to many future technologies which

makes it possible to tailor our products accordingly. Our customers can

rely on latest technology and maximum security for their investment.

Modularity makes it suitable for all industries.

The core application contains everything you need to create high-end 3D

images and animations. For those artists whose work demands more than the

basic application, MAXON provides numerous seamlessly integrated modules.

Modules can also be purchased individually or in affordable bundles. For

specific industries, such as architecture and engineering, MAXON also

offers Editions that contain specially tailored functionality.


Cinema 4d Studio Bundle R11.00八 MULTiLANGUAGE 簡體中文/英文正式版(3D繪圖軟體)(DVD+CD版)(此片售價250元)

MAXON CINEMA 4D Studio Bundle v11.0 MAC 英文正式版(DVD版)(3維動畫設計軟體)

Maxon Cinema 4D v九.5 Studio Bundle 英/德/義/法/日多國語文光碟正式版(一個残缺的3D創作平台)(7CD)

MAXON CINEMA 4D Studio Bundle v10.111 英文正式版(3維圖像設計軟體)

MAXON CINEMA 4D Studio Bundle v11.00八 英文正式版( 3D 彩繪軟體)

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